Korean Lesson

안녕하세요~ Today I want to share my experience in learning Korean. I believe since Korean became the big wave in the world, people started to learn everything about Korea. The language, the culture, the foods and so on. I also did that. I started to like Korean especially for k-pop since 2008. I liked to singing the Korean songs even though I didn't know what was the meaning of the songs #lol. I also sang the song with romanization lyrics. But It's different now. I can read the hangeul and understand the songs little by little hehe #improvement #proud. Yeah.. I can do that after I learned the Korean language in campus. As you know, I am a student from literature department and one of my subjects is Korean language. I took the subject in the 5th Semester last year. In the class I learned about the alphabets, nouns, simple verbs, introduction, and tried to made some simple sentences. It was really basic for Korean language. Ok! I will review some lessons that I got in my class.

The first of all is ALPHABETS.

:: consonants ::

ㄱ = k / g
ㄴ = n
ㄷ = t / d
ㄹ = r / l
ㅁ = m  
ㅂ = p / b
ㅅ = s
ㅇ = ng
ㅈ = c / j
ㅊ = ch
ㅋ = kh
ㅌ = th
ㅍ = ph
ㅎ = h
ㄲ = kk
ㄸ = tt
ㅃ = pp
ㅆ = ss
ㅉ = jj   

In Korean alphabets,ㄱ pronounces as 'k' and 'g'. It pronounces as 'k' if ㄱ is in front of the word (example: 감사합니다 = 'k'amsahamnida). It pronounces as 'g' if the ㄱ is in the middle or in the end of the word (example: 한글 = han'g'eul). ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅈ,  are like ㄱ. (example : 바보 = 'p'a'b'o). See the differences? ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ pronounce with aspiration (example: 친구 = chingu) and ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ pronounce with tense (example: 오빠 = oppa).

:: vocals ::

아 = a
야 = ya
어 = eo
여 = yeo
오 = o
요 = yo
우 = u
유 = yu
으 = eu
이 = i
애 = ae
얘 = yae
예 = e
예 = ye
왜 = wae
외 = oe
워 = wo
웨 = we
위 = wi
의 = eui

When we add the consonant, it will become like this ㄱ + 아 = 가. But if there is no consonant in front of the vocal, we have to add ㅇ because Korean vocal cannot stand alone. 아 is correct, ㅏ is wrong. Okay.. these are Korean alphabets. If you guys want to ask me, feel free to comment below this post!

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